D66 Encounters in a dark enchanted forest D66 Tables D66 Encounters in a dark enchanted forest Will the pixies lead you to saftey, or deeper into the dark forest? A dark…dawnfist2023-06-07
10 Lightning themed magic items – Strike your foes with thunder! Lists 10 Lightning themed magic items – Strike your foes with thunder! Strap on your Thunderclap boots! One of the key drives as a player in a…dawnfist2023-06-06
Heat and steam as an obstacle in an ttrpg adventure! GM AdviceMechanics Heat and steam as an obstacle in an ttrpg adventure! The sauna made me feel like a dragon hunter! When we think about obstacles in…dawnfist2023-06-05
100 Hex crawl locations – Easy to use one-sentence locations! Lists 100 Hex crawl locations – Easy to use one-sentence locations! A hex crawl is only as good as the locations... A good hex crawl means…dawnfist2023-06-03
How to think OSR when playing ttrpgs – A movie analogy to help GM Advice How to think OSR when playing ttrpgs – A movie analogy to help I'll try to teach you how to play osr ttrpgs... Adventurous is bult to be…dawnfist2023-06-03
10 Magical trinkets with weird effects – Add some mystique to your campaign Lists 10 Magical trinkets with weird effects – Add some mystique to your campaign Let's revisit that dream of yours... As a game master you are always in need…dawnfist2023-06-02
10 Cold themed magic items – Embrace the hoarfrost! Lists 10 Cold themed magic items – Embrace the hoarfrost! You will have to pry it from my cold dead hands... From mystical artifacts that…dawnfist2023-06-01
D66 Dwarven clan name generator D66 Tables D66 Dwarven clan name generator By the foaming mug of Aleheart roll up a clan name! Here is a simple…dawnfist2023-06-01
D66 Goblin clan name generator D66 Tables D66 Goblin clan name generator Muck, disease and sharpened teeth! Goblins are a beloved staple when it comes to opponents…dawnfist2023-06-01